Finding My Spiritual Ways

January 24, 2012

After reading more of  “Beyond Religion¹“, I felt compelled to write out some of the thoughts and feelings this book seemed to incite today.  First and foremost, this book has not given me much new information, but it has given me the confidence to believe and act as I always have tried to do.  It has touched me deeply to read what I have felt, searched for, and tried to live daily, written int words and explanations that seem to be elusive to me when I have tried to explain it to others before.

I find so many things in life to be “sacred”, at least in one sense, and find that the times, places, things and even people who touch my soul are numerous.  This, however, has brought about conflicts and confusion, as well as left me open to interpretations that I cannot seem to correct by simple explanations.  I find myself being defensive when I try to explain these moments in my life that are almost indescribably, as others have a difficult time understanding the intensity of some moments in my life.

I have always found some sort of solace in writing, whether it be poetry, lengthy letters, or even fictitious stories.  The unfortunate part of this is when that part of baring my soul is mocked and I am somehow seen as unable to communicate well, at least verbally, and the soul-full words that flow through my pen in waves are seen as too lengthy to read and seen as more of a chore than a gift of a part of myself for the recipients.  I suppose, then, that maybe I should possibly look at shortening my novel length letters and epic poems, at least, to see if I can get to a more concise way of communicating my thoughts.  Or should I view it as that those that mock and criticize my soul are really the ones losing out, and I do not have to change who I am and how I find my inner peace, share parts of myself, find my spirituality, or how I nurture my soul and find serenity?

¹”…Perhaps the greatest value of [the sand tray] is the ability to bypass the cognitive processes and go straight to my soul.  It’s symbols and images allow me to access my inner wisdom without getting entangled with the verbal and intellectual web of my brain.  the creative process involved in doing [a sand tray] allows me to connect with a deep place in my soul.  After doing [a sand tray], I usually feel as though something in me has shifted and I am ready to move on.”

While this was quite profound and spoke exactly what I feel when in my most freely artistic moments when things simply flow out of me in waves, it is not mean to discount the fact that I often times, do have a difficult time speaking what is in my soul aloud and it would be good for me to verbalize it.  While the author used sand tray therapy, I tend to use more “traditional” artistic expression as my own therapy.  I feel that when I speak openly, without the comfort of prose writing first, that the words become glue in my throat.  Some believe this to be some sort of fear of speaking, for some reason, though that could be the farthest thing from the truth.  I am not afraid to speak my feelings, as I speak them often, yet those seem to not be heard.  I speak my soul, things I am passionate about, though if the body language and responses of others show that there is no true interest in my soul, I refuse to wast my time or theirs by continuing to bare my soul to those who cannot accept or find interest in that part of me.

There are also times that what I feel is so intense that when I try to put it into words verbally, the part of my brain that tries to rationally put arguments together cannot fathom the irrational and chaotic phrases resting just below the surface.  My brain cannot seem to work through and apply logical and rational words to the overwhelming thoughts and emotions of the inspiring or poignant moments I would love to share with others, and there are very few people who have the patience to listen to incoherent thoughts to piece together the confessions falling past my lips.

I have also noticed that within this book I find my sexuality to be a very large avenue to my spirituality.  I have always found sex to me more than simply “having an orgasm” or “it just feels good” or “just getting off”.  While these are feelings sex invokes within me, I find sex quite sacred in some regards…and to the criticism of others.  I may not have a large sexual history with a long list of multiple partners, but what I have experienced has helped me value sex in a light that some cannot understand, while having an open enough attitude to see the value of other “non-traditional” views of what can be considered “sacred” when it comes to sex.

I can honestly say that I have experienced sexual encounters that I have only been able to describe as “intense” that have left me feeling as if my partner and I truly became one soul in that time.  I can honestly admit that I have found what some have called “nirvana” or “utopia”; an indescribable euphoric place and time.  It was almost an “out-of-body” experience that left me truly feeling as if I was flying and in another dimension or universe and I have been blessed with that experience more than once.

One partner, in particular, has given me more of those experiences than any other lover, which is probably why it was/has been so hard to end the relationship.  While the relationship itself was not healthy and abusive in many regards, the sexual aspect of the relationship transcended all of that and took my soul to another level where I learned to appreciate his soul in its most barren, vulnerable and honest state.

I have noticed that foreplay does tend to intensify the sexual experience, for me at least, though I don’t believe that these transcendent moments are specifically tied to foreplay, per se.  I do not have to have much foreplay, if at all, in one sense, but the mental foreplay of a sexual encounter is something I cannot personally deny as one of the most powerful forms there is to help move the experience into something more than simply “getting your rocks off”.

Maybe I do put a large emphasis on foreplay when others do not.  I also think that possibly, my definitions of foreplay are different than others, which can create hardships when trying to communicate your wants and needs in a sexual relationship.  What I define as foreplay encompasses a very large number of things, from physical touches and sensations, to ambiance and the mental aspects.

I find so many things erotic and sensual, yet I am amazed to an extent at least, at how often others see the same things differently than me.  I am not suggesting I am “right” and they are “wrong”, though I find myself feeling a sense of almost sadness for those that have not experienced so many sensations, especially with a partner you truly enjoy and want to be sexually intimate with to compliment emotional intimacy, or even with a partner you simply are sexually attracted to, which will tend to be seen as being a great lover, not simply just being a good lay or knowing how to have sex.

Maybe I should state it more accurately as I would love to see more people appreciate, enjoy, or allow themselves to be open to letting down their barriers and long standing stances to the possibility of feeling a new sensation…a new viewpoint of what is erotic, sensual, and pleasurable…a chance to be taken to new heights (or depths as the case may be) of a sexual experience and maybe even find their own sense of true freedom there.

3 Responses to “Finding My Spiritual Ways”

  1. Robert said

    Maybe I should state it more accurately as I would love to see more people appreciate, enjoy, or allow themselves to be open to letting down their barriers and long standing stances to the possibility of feeling a new sensation…a new viewpoint of what is erotic, sensual, and pleasurable…a chance to be taken to new heights (or depths as the case may be) of a sexual experience and maybe even find their own sense of true freedom there.>> This part along with other points in this you wrote hit home.. many of the questions you asked and the points you made I have struggled with over time….In regards to the writing..if it’s what you feel then length and the way you express is all part of it..what is to long and involved for some is precise ,thoughtful and accurate to others… I struggle with this as well..if I edit ,temper and modify to widen the appeal I have the feeling what I am saying is not what I completely it’s somewhat of Rubics Cube with no solution..

    • Thank you for your thoughts on this post and the Rubics Cube reference is a very nice way to explain some of the struggles in a visual way – I would not have thought to express the struggle in that way until you said it in your comment, actually. If you don’t mind, I may just end up using that reference more often! =)

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